All The Way Alive
“All the Way Alive" is the podcast for accomplished humans 45+ who want to squeeze all the available living and adventure out of THIS lifetime. We're going to explore what it means to continue to grow, learn and evolve into more of who we are meant to be as individuals and as fellow humans as we age, and we'll delve into the lives, careers, and pivotal experiences of ordinary and amazing humans living their fullest lives.
All The Way Alive
With Janelle Wehsack, Corporate Powerhouse and Life & Leadership Coach
Janelle and Susan both trained with Sas Petherick in (different cohorts of) the Self-Belief Coaching Academy: https://selfbelief.school/sbca/
Janelle’s information:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/janelle.wehsack/
Website: https://www.janelle.wehsack.com/
Podcast “The Self-Styled Life” – The Self.Styled.Life Podcastjanellewehsack.com
And her blog on travels to France “the Distant Fancophile” Homedistantfrancophile.com
Susan’s socials:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/susan_a_sutherland/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/susan-a-sutherland-she-her-a03ba933/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/susanasutherlandcoaching
Susan’s website: www.SusanASutherland.com
South Africa retreat May 5-12, 2024 information